One of my Heroes

Walked into town today, as Post Office advised me there was something in our box, and yay, there was - three parcels, some posted over a month ago. Thanks, Lydie and Angela. And now, two books that I have no idea who from: The Divine Conspiracy and a beautiful edition of Run With the Horses; anyone like to own up? And more irritating bureaucracy as a result of UK leaving the EEC - anything deemed a parcel has to have a customs declaration that you have to get online and print off beforehand, or pay 3+ euros for them to do it for you. So I've sent off a magazine to Julia without it, might or might not be delivered... However, didn't have to pay anything extra to receive the three parcels today.

Also did some paying at the hole in the wall, last time I tried, I lost Mike's card from trying too many times. Wasn't any easier this time, but I knew not to confirm if it didn't look right - just so many options and I don't understand what most of them mean, very different vocabulary to Brazil. For example, if you want cash, it's called levantamento, which means, literally, a lifting, first time I tried to get cash, had to give up.

Talked to Sandra from the door of the small shop she's running on the main square, Mercearia da Praça, opened while we were in England for the first lockdown, sort of like an old fashioned general store - if she hasn't got it, she'll get it for you. Sandra is one of my heroes, betrayed badly by two different men, raising her two kids on her own, and always working hard at whatever she puts her hand to, whether it's pruning vines in the hot sun, cleaning the Padre's house, or running a bar for loads of shouty, drunk men.

- feeling a bit down with all the bad Covid news in Portugal and the sadness in the air, and the grey day, and then remembering yesterday's hopeful inauguration, and feeling more cheerful
- women like Sandra, who just keep going through so much hardship
- a lovely FT chat with Zion and Allegra just now, miss them so much

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