Here we go again – Day 18

It was cold today. Went to 'Braidburn Valley Park' for my morning walk and all the compacted snow on the path had frozen. Ann had her 'snow trax' on but it was still hard going. A lot of the pavements on the way to the park were icy too.

Ann's not used to snow. She left Edinburgh to go to Cornwall for 6 months 25 years ago and although she's spent the last 5 winters here, (apart from 'Beast from the East' in 2018) there's not really been much snow. 25 years ago she didn't have a problem walking on ice/snow or driving the car in snowy/icy conditions. 25 years ago she was a lot more confident than she is now?!! 25 years ago she didn't have 'ME' and she's paranoid that she's going to slip and fall or have an accident in the car and end up in hospital......................... And then who would look after me?

Anyway I managed to have two nice walks today and Ann didn't fall over and end up in hospital so all is good.

And here we are........................... another Friday night........................... EastEnders and two episodes of Corrie to watch..................... Do things get any better than this during COVID times???

Just adding this blurb 'cos we do like to use BLIP as a diary of our life...............................

There seems to be a new advertising campaign out in Scotland saying that 1 in 3 people have Covid but have no symptoms so when you go to the supermarket you could be touching a trolley that someone who has been infected has touched.............................. Surely that's always been the case? …...............But what's more to the point....................... if a third of the country (talking about Scotland here) have already have/had COVID (but don't know it) and 95% of people in Care Homes have had the Vaccine (but the Covid rate is still really high in Care Homes)................... why is the rate so high in Scotland????

…...............And also................... Statistics can say anything!!! For example, the guy that Ann met on Tuesday while she was ''Meeting & Greeting'  was in Edinburgh for a funeral. The funeral was for someone who had, 'Death from Covid' on the death certificate, but they hadn't actually gone into hospital for anything to do with Covid and their death was imminent when they went in??

Statistics and databases drive my very lovely owner Ann mad!!!

........................I guess Ann will just carry on doing what she's doing............................ Walking me by herself 'cos no one wants to come for a walk with us in this weather. Going to the supermarket 'cos she always uses the hand sanitizer on the way in. And seeing her 'support bubble' approximately once a week because she'd go mad if she didn't have anyone to talk to in real life apart from me.

Oh dear....................... just watching the News........................... It's all so depressing.

None of the 'bigwigs' will commit to how long this lock-down is going on for. …............We all know it's going to go on forever!!! Ann was supposed to be going to a wedding in Cornwall in June but the Bride & Groom have postponed until 2022. …............And yet the 'G7 Summit' in St Ives in June is apparently happening?????  Do they know something the rest of us don't???

Getting fed up RANTING now!!!


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