
By TBay

Could I get any nearer!

So did it snow? Did it heck!  Despite all the predictions of overnight heavy snow all we had was a pathetic few flakes, not even a sprinkling!! So two very disgruntled little people. After a bit of thought Mrs and Mrs Tbay Jnr decided to go and find some socially isolated snow on the Mendips which they did!  Two very happy and very cold children !

At lunch time Mr Tbay and I sat in the drawing room and enjoyed a Sherry. Pip felt she too needed to join in and enjoyed a relaxing hour as near the fire as possible! Oh to be a small spoilt dog.

Cousin update. Sadly Pat is not at all well. The hospital rang to say that unfortunately she now has Covid. She is no longer wanting to eat and will not take medication. At 97 she has an uphill struggle to make it through this :- (

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