
By Hyperion

An Illusion of Spring

The weather all day has been miserable - cold, wet and misty. My blip for the day was going to be a photograph of a magpie and a cat in the Garden. The cat, called Memphis, belongs to our next door neighbours. The magpie had arrived with food in it's beak to eat on the grass. Memphis and the hungry magpie eyed each other warily. The cat wanted to find out what the magpie was eating and the magpie was unwilling to leave it's breakfast unattended. After a few threatening manoeuvres, it was Memphis who made a tactical withdrawal. Unfortunately, I did not manage to get my camera in time to capture the action! Plan B was to take a picture of the daffodils and narcissi that arrived by courier van yesterday. I eventually settled for this shot, that does at least provide an illusion of Spring.

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