This week's soup, red lentil and mixed veg with a load of spices and a wee bit of lime chutney - put too much lime in a previous soup, so it dominated the flavour. This one seems better balanced, and I half wondered if some coconut would've gone well in it. You can perhaps tell that I'll throw almost anything in there, and unlike the likes of my breakfasts, my attempts at soups are, er, varied, aside from always containing things needing finished-off from the fridge.

Had been planning to go for a lunchtime wander and Blip hunt, but a while before then I'd nipped outside to do something and... whoosh, thump! No, that's not damp like the path, it's sheet ice on a concrete slab. Lethal. Feet must have been in the air, for the instant before my posterior and back landed. Bit shaken, but very lucky not to crack my head or break anything. It was so fast. May be a bit sore later.

Where's that mini-blender?

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