Life through the lens...

By ValC

Let the sun shine in!

Kynance Cove on The Lizard is one of the prettiest beaches in Cornwall.
It is also one of the most photographed, and painted.

This is not the usual picture you see everywhere (You can see some here on my blip folio.) see here
Taken inside a huge cave, which was quite dark, the flash brought out the wonderful colours of the rocks.

The rocks here are made of Serpentine.Dark green veined with red and white.
Serpentine was one of the rocks thrust up from underneath the earth's crust. Rich in iron, and magnesium, when the Rheic Ocean crust became what is now Cornwall.
It is polished and made into paper weights, Lighthouses, lamps and other souvenirs.
see here

I love these coves in winter. The sound of the waves crashing on the rocks, the noise of the gulls, and the place almost to ourselves.
The bonus today was the sunshine!

Back to the Lizard village and the best pasties ever, from Ann's Pasties.
Even ate it sat outside in the sun !

Then down to the cafe on the cliff top, and one of their huge meringues, with Cornish cream, ice cream, and blackberry and apple compot. Yummy!

Now feeling a little tired!

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