
By fitzbilly

Answers On A Postcard

That's two days in a row we haven't been out for our exercise. We were on the point of popping out this afternoon, but changed our minds when we noticed it was snowing again. It wasn't settling but it didn't exactly look inviting.

Instead we have tried out our new Echo Show for video calls to our daughters. It's not exactly straightforward to set up. We managed a Skype call to daughter#2 in Germany. That's where my blip comes from. So what is it?

Answer: she has noticed a stork on a nest on top of a tall chimney she can see from her kitchen! You can clearly make out the stork can't you. Oh well, take my word for it then.

Afterwards, and I've no idea how we managed it, we set up an Alexa to Alexa video call with daughter#1. Grandson Rory is making chocolate cookies, assisted by his mum. We are planning to try another call later on to see the finished cookies.

In other news we are having pigs in blankets for tea. It's like Christmas all over again :-)

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