Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Hey, is that a new camera I smell???

Seymour's nemesis, Ludvic, stopped by today and he immediately inquired about the camera I was using. Smart little beast, isn't it?

Yes, I am using a Nikon D600 this week - that's my second piece of big news! I rented it, along with a Nikon 28-300 lens for a week to try them both out. This was taken with the D600 and Big Daddy (my Tamron 200-500 lens) on a monopod. No crop, and no editing or adjusting, other than reducing the file size. (It was too big to upload here!)

I've been itching to try out a large-format (FX) camera for quite some time and this seemed like the perfect opportunity to do it. And, can I just say ... wow! Firstly, the files are huge - this photo was over 12 MG out of the camera (I reduced it here to under 700 KB. Secondly, the camera's ability to shoot at very high ISO is amazing!! It may be a bit hard to tell from this image since I had to reduce it, but this is shot at ISO 2500 and the image is SO clear with almost no noise. I'm pretty blown away with this - my beloved D90 is good to about ISO 800 but then things start to get grainy.

If you'd like to see some other images from today's test session, I've posted 9 images on Flickr starting HERE. The only one that wasn't taken with the D600 is the flower, which I took with the D90 and the new lens. I haven't had a chance to give the new lens a good workout yet, but I think I am going to like it. I am debating getting rid of both my 55-300 and my 18-200 and getting this. I'd lose 10mm on the low end, but I never shoot at 18mm so I don't think that is a big deal. Would welcome any comments/suggestions/feedback.

Thank you for sharing in my excitement over yesterday's news. I have to confess that I keep looking at the magazine and pinching myself! :)

Off to work on dinner - doing a a roasted butternut squash (with apples and bacon) soup tonight. One of our favorites and easy to make. Recipe HERE for those interested.


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