Interesting Light...

...on the hills...a combination of burned hills rain clouded skies and spring green grass.

 It's every person for him/herself in the Covid vaccination game. It feels almost like a black market transaction. for the best of motivations, all kinds of orgainzations are trying to set up vaccination clinics. There is no central administration so nobody seems to know how many doses have been received.

I got my vaccine today (along with an appointment for the next one  a month from now) through my primary care doctor via a phone call  last week. They are currently calling people who are 75 and older, and I was quite amused by the set-up in a tent open at two ends as per the public health guidelines.  Thick electrical cords snaked across the ground between many outdoor heaters and a very large generator truck. There were people to check us in and  people to lead us into the second tent (presumably to make sure none of us old dears tripped over the cords or filled out the forms wrong...)  There were also people to administer the shot, and folding chairs in which we were  wait 15 minutes in case we keeled over from an allergic reaction. We were given a post-it note with the time we could leave in case we keeled over from some allergic reaction. This seemed an odd juxtaposition since we had just filled out forms swearing we were not allergic to substances with chemical names so long we could have no idea what they were, much less whether we were allergic to them.. Half an hour later I was on my way clutching a handful of papers, including the prized card card saying what vaccine I was given, and little packets of tissues and band-aids and hand sanitizer chosen from a little basket passed around by the overseeing doctor. 

John has an appointment for his first shot a day after I get my second. He has a different doctor with a different medical group.Our neighbor, who has the same doctor as me and is a retired doctor, managed to wangle an appointment tomorrow which he got through the Sonoma County Medical Association. And on top of all that confusion, I have to figure out how to cancel another appointment I made through what turns out to be the county on February 25.  

I feel lucky to be spared not only Covid19 but the anguish and uncertainty of too many cooks, too few ingredients for the broth and too many hungry people....


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