Bare Branches

All the trees and bushes are bare waiting for when Spring will show and turn everything green again. It was actually a pleasant sunset but they are tricky to capture at the best of times and a good foreground is needed.

I've spent a lot of the day pre judging images for a club in Dublin where I will do the critiquing tomorrow evening. As this is a scoring system I have not used before I am glad of the preparation time - it's rather like being in a foreign country and having to compare back to one's own currency. This club scores out of 60 for the creative section and out of 50 for the open images. As I'm used to the standard /20, it feels a bit strange. A lot of images too - 90+ to get through in the evening.

Later this evening, we have a committee meeting for my own camera club. Pre Covid it would be round my dining table but now everything is on Zoom.

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