A BIG Meeting Tomorrow!

But what a lovely day it was! Another early spring day here - but no rain today. The sun even came out for a bit. 

I spent the afternoon with my parents...took my mom out for a stroll in her "stroller" (her wheelchair) and played three games of backgammon...I know you'll be pleased to hear that she beat me 2 out of 3! Then two word games and she was tired so retreated to her recliner with an audio book. It was a lovely afternoon.

I spent a few minutes outside when I got home - the garden is stirring and plants seem to be awakening. This is a Euphorbia in my back garden, but I do not know the cultivar....I do have the tag and can look it up....but look at those colors!! 

The botanical garden folks (me being the lead) have a big meeting tomorrow...I may have mentioned this already...with a cool team from the state. Probably a dozen various agencies are represented. I'm presenting our vision for a beautiful Superfund site on the Willamette River (bisects east and west Portland) and asking for any and all assistance in areas such as access from land and water, potential project sponsorship, issues with train easements, landslides, city-owned property, etc etc. I think it will go really well...several of us have spent hours and hours preparing narratives and overviews and slides. I'll let you know tomorrow! Think of us 2:00 pm Pacific Standard Time!

I won't get to journals tonight, sadly, but will try to catch up tomorrow night, and certainly by Friday. Thank you all so much for your lovely thoughts, comments and support!

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