Thursday night dinner

We nearly always have fresh fish for supper on Thursdays, usually with couscous. Tonight was no exception - and on a busy, and frustrating, work day this will have to do as my blip.

I was frustrated because a couple of weeks ago I had carefully cleared 4th February to complete three specific tasks related to a deadline at the end of March. I only managed to complete one of them.

This is because instead today I ended up: agreeing to a 45 minute interview about university structures; got caught up in an email to and fro about questionnaire design; was dragged into three separate conversations that need never have taken place if information on forms completed some time ago (in one case in 2018) had been processed as expected; and felt obliged to chase various issues myself before they mushroom into crises of their own (two about staffing, a couple about the university web pages, and one about a co-authored contribution to a conference next month). 

Amongst all this my middle sister wondered if I might have to time to ring my mother's solicitor to make some arrangements regarding her house... (answer = no). I'm not meant to be working tomorrow, but it looks like I will need to do so.

Enough moaning... The good news is that I have won the last three games of Carcassonne (a record, I think), and we are enjoying It's a sin on More4 (La!)

Exercise today: none.

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