We had a great Zoom Church Service this morning with some good songs that we could all join in, one of which I had recorded earlier in the week.  It’s quite challenging recording a song with the music playing in your ears, but no-one by the side of you singing, so I am looking forward to the time when we can actually sing together again.  This morning, we also shared Communion, before Alisdair Longwill, one of our Regional Ministers, preached the next one in our sermon series “Encountering Jesus”, which was excellent.  

We were reminded by Susan, one of our Elders, that it’s been almost a year since we met in person, so it’s been really good during these challenging times to have met each week with our Church friends, to share with them and to find out how things are going.  We even have a lady who used to come to our Church but who now lives in Belgium, who joins us when she can, mainly because her Church does not have any online services, and it's great to see her.  We also have an active WhatsApp Group too, which keeps us in touch with one another - at times like this we are so grateful for the technology we have that enables us to do this. 

After the service, and as it was sunny, we decided to go for a walk and you have no idea how much trouble I went to to get this shot!  This derelict tree, which is about 2 minutes from where we live is in a small copse, and although some of it can be seen from the path, I wanted to get right in and take a shot of it from “deep in the jungle”!

Well, it’s hardly a jungle, but there were lots of obstacles in the shape of small trees growing, brambles underfoot and stinging nettles that are sprouting quite well, all of which could have prevented me from getting in to take the shot.

But being the intrepid Blipper that I am, I didn’t let that bother me, so leaving Mr. HCB standing on the footpath, off I went, fighting back trees and brambles and standing on the offending stinging nettles lest they should find their way through my jeans and give me a nasty sting.

This was the result and I hope that it will do for Derelict Sunday - and of course, to please my very good Blip friend, LSquare, who is the Queen of Pareidolia, there is also some of that - if you can see it.  I’m not going to say what it looks like to me, but let you decide what you can see or not!

“God does watch over us
     and does notice us,
but it is usually through someone else
     that He meets our needs.”
Spencer W. Kimball

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