Hello Lovely Blippers,

I’m sure some of you will remember the “Where’s Wally?” books and jigsaw puzzles - well this is called “How Many Cuddly Toys?”  I wonder if you can count how many of us there are in this photograph.  I know it’s a silly thing to do, but after all, it is the first Saturday of the month, and you all know that this one is specially dedicated to Admirer, who started the Silly Saturday project a long time ago.  I know that Mrs. HCB takes it very seriously - and sillily - is there such a word (?) - and tries to do something special for Admirer every Saturday.

This junk room spare bedroom is used as a dumping ground by the HCBs and a lot of this stuff is waiting to for Mr. HCB to take up into the loft, including lots of Christmas stuff.  When they both cleared the garage yesterday, there were a lot of boxes that Mr. HCB wanted to put out with the waste paper collection but Mrs HCB put her foot down - and you know what that means - so the boxes were brought indoors!  I heard Mr. HCB say, with great reluctance, I might add, that he would put these up into the loft, just in case they were ever needed but  secretly, he told us that it was a waste of time and effort, but added “She who must be obeyed” must be obeyed!  

So here we all are - and the game is to find out how many of us there are altogether.  There is no prize for the winner, but I hope you will all have fun counting and before anyone asks - and this is silly - the very colourful thing in the middle is a duster and not a cuddly toy!  We shall just have to make sure that Mr. HCB takes us all out of the various boxes before  they go up into the loft, otherwise we won’t be able to delight you with our presence each week.

Many of my friends in this shot are very old - some are almost 50;  you can see that one of them has lost an eye and some of them are looking a bit tatty but we all love one another regardless of our age or how we look because after all, beauty is only skin deep and with age comes experience and hopefully kindness.  I know that there is a verse in the Bible that says, “For the Lord does not see as man sees;  for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart”. 

We just heard Mrs HCB say she might go out for a walk - it’s a beautiful sunny day and frosty so she will enjoy that - Mr. HCB has very painful hands after working in the garden for a long time yesterday, so he’s going to stay at home but I don’t think he will be doing any housework!  Knowing him, he will be working on his 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle so perhaps we can all help him, although he’s not keen on anyone doing that!

With love to you all - stay well, safe and strong, be kind and look after one another - we all do!

JH Ted and friends xxx

P.S.  AngelShare asked people to put on their "silly pants or frocks" for today's Silly Saturday shot - well, Mrs. HCB still had her PJs on when she took this, but we decided not to show that!

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