Blue sky and snow

We had a little snow today, but it didn't last long in our shared garden. It was lovely, however, to see some blue sky for a while.

This afternoon I finished the 28-page document that I started on Friday and worked on all day yesterday. I have sent it to my colleague, along with another document that shows my comments on his original file. He's going to hate and love me in equal measures when he sees what I have to say. I hope that he understands my detailed feedback in the spirit intended.

Today is Shed-Eve. I  c a n n o t   w a i t  for tomorrow afternoon to come. It looks like the men might be putting it up in the snow.

The wee excitement before then is our book group Zoom meeting at which we will be discussing Fleishman is in trouble (amongst other things).

Exercise today: strength training; 50 minutes on the exercise bike.

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