It has been ages...

... It feels that it has been ages since my father died and all of strange things begun to burst out.

But still, only three months is gone.

Today I realized again, how peculiar people can be, how tricky the situation in our family has been - and still is. I chatted about the situation with my friend and she told that I should talk to a lawyer before we share any of my father's heritage. Just to be sure that the will is ok and everything goes right... Maybe I will. But on the other hand I am not interested in fighting over money. My father has wanted to leave any possible heritage to his son, so be it.

-12c c today, partly cloudy.

I have done almost all of the first part of the annual reporting project at work. Part 3/3 done today but as one nice (really NOT nice) mistake in data was found last week, I have to do the smallest part 2/3 of reporting again. I feel light and relaxed however. Took a glass of red wine in the evening.

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