Today's Special

By Connections


We've had several Anna's Hummingbirds coming to our feeder recently, including this pair, but whenever I stepped outside to try to photograph them, they've immediately whizzed away.

I noticed one today that seemed to spend more time than usual at the feeder, so keeping in mind "nothing ventured, nothing gained," I quietly opened the front door, stepped out onto the porch, and started taking photos. This young male  ignored me and my camera as he quietly relished the sugar solution in the feeder. 

A full three minutes later, he lifted up his head and I took the photo you'll see in the extra (cropped in), just as he took his long tongue out of the feeder. Back he went for a little more refreshment, and then spent another minute in quiet contemplation (today's blip).

 I've never seen a hummingbird do that before! I hope this one passes this behavior on to his offspring. 

Blip 2154

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