The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Emergency tulips

Let's face it, who doesn't need tulips in an emergency?

I stayed in bed for about half the day. Did get up for a bath, but returned to bed. Still had a headache and fatigue. I found some exercises online that helped with headache, which could be caused by poor posture, bending my neck forward over the laptop or phone. Perhaps it's "teacher's fatigue" caused by it being, effectively, half term for me, and therefore time to let rip and be poorly; or the ongoing stressful situation re. our mother. Who knows ?

Later in the day, after a sleep, I roused myself and attended a guided virtual tour (virtual of Montmartre, Paris in the snow! Lovely, but the internet cut out right as they reached Sacre-Coeur! I thought it was the livestream.cutting out, but it turned out to be a failure at our end, and I was too slow witted to join the end on my phone. I attended the next webinar on my phone, using data, then while Steve got our broadband up and running, I made supper. When that was done, I attended a work meeting via Teams. What is it about Wednesdays?

Now I'm watching a little video about the early Years Foundation Stage. Soon it will be bedtime again.

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