Vaccine day for Mr PHL

A two appointment day for Mr PHL. A noon appointment at the dermatology department for his annual psoriasis check up. Whilst we’d had more snow overnight and the roads looked bad in the estate, apparently they were fine on the way into the city centre. Miss PHL felt well enough to go with him so she could practice driving in the snow.

His afternoon appointment was to get his first Covid-19 vaccine which was followed by a trip to Costco to pick up regular supplies. Apparently Scotland isn’t giving out cards detailing the vaccination given - hope we don’t need proof in the future. No date for the second one but he will be contacted in 10 weeks time with a date/time. 

I took the puppy out on two snowy walks today - think we’ve had about a foot of snow now. He loves gambolling about in it and tries hard to dig in it. Not too sure about doing his business as he gets too cold! 

Started a new project today, a shawl from a kit given to me by a dear friend after I retired. The wool was in skeins (very posh) so took a wee while to wind into balls. 

Did a first pass of the Tiny Tuesday entries, another bumper crop of 94 wonderful interpretations. Going to be a tough choice again I think.

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