The day to start is today

By Traci

Lets just warm it up a bit

Chilly chilly chilly today, stood out on playground duty, myself and Ginny were clock watching to the minute for when it was time to take the children back in (again explain to me why they don't seem to feel the cold??) So on the dot 11:15 peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep whistle, line up in record time and into the hall for hymn practise.

Rainbows tonight, my little group of 5 and 6 year olds, with my amazingly funny young leaders, one is my daughter (youngest but one whose rants give mine a run for their money) and our young friend of many years Holly. The little'ns love the teenagers, of course myself and other two Guiders are old beyond words to them, but we all do laugh a lot together so we are doing something right. We made Hawian friendship garlands tonight on our round the world trip theme, so threading was the name of the game, the girls can sometimes get quite excited about everything and forget the required thank yous but tonight was gorgeous, no reminders and 'thank you Traci' without exception. Makes the effort of putting all the activities together very worth while.

We then all sat round in preparation for our District service this Sunday, and each girl had to say hello from a different country (all written out - they are not quite that clever ... I thought .....) we went through
Bonjour France
yow Australia (Aboriginal)
Marhabah Egypt
Jarmbo Kenya
Yo dude America
Oy Brazil
Namaste India
Snort Antartica (Eskimo to seal !!)
Konichiwah Japan
Chow Italy
Goede dag Holland
Ni hao China
Kia ora New Zealand (Maori)
Sa wa DE kah Thailand

which all the girls pronounced with great effort and enthusiasm. then I said I wasn't quite sure about the ZzDrast-vet-yah Russian !! and three of them piped up simultainiously the perfect Russian hello wow, so they spent the next few minutes teaching the rest of us how to say it (I still can't seem to get to grips with all the strangely arranged consonants in the word :/ )

Ughh I have to go and brave the cold now, to pick up youngest and nearly eldest from Guides, cake sale, which I hope to then have some cake when I get home and sit myself down infront of an extremely warm fire and not worry a dot about how cold it is outside. (That doesn't mean I can't complain about it on the odd occasion)

Looking forward to half day tomorrow and shhhhh just keep the rumour to yourself but I hear there may be some BLUE sky tomorrow and I may get to see it too !!! yippee

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