The day to start is today

By Traci

All of us could take a lesson from the weather....

....... It pays no attention to criticism.

I was VERY excited today, even the fact the weather was - go on take a guess!! - yup dull, again, didn't bother me.

Still excited

After a frustrating time with children who this morning, "didn't get it Miss"

Still excited

The fact a Chinook flew right over me driving home at low level.
(no that wasn't annoying or frustrating - scared the life out of me and very exciting)

Back on the thread of the day

The fact that I received a very insincere apology letter from a well known high street bank cou NatWest gh that used to know how to treat it's customers. Then needed to write a letter of reply .... because "they would not speak to me on the phone" regarding their unsatisfactory reply !!!!!! said the little, fob them off. front line customer service lady. But still managed to keep me on hold for ten minutes while she played ping pong with my very eloquent and 'calm' argument to convince them otherwise. The letter composition flowed and in no time at all the letter to the Fraud office will be winging it's way and a lovely copy to head office. What it will acheive is probably nothing, but at least I have got it out of my system now.

Still excited !!

The fact all my daughters delicious sponge cake had gone by the time I arrived home from work?

Still excited !!

Because we went to pick up our new 'small' shiny red car. It's great, no longer do I have the petrol guzzler people carrier that was required for all of us. We can manage quite nicely with a much smaller, but equally as exciting Red car .. don't need to ask what it is ... it's red .. and even the girls love it so even happier. Hasn't got pups approval yet, but he'll be fine. (He might have to breathe in slightly !!)

I am off to Sailsbury tomorrow, a course, not recreational sadly, and will be driving, I may have to resort to hand signals if I get too confused with every control button being the opposite way round, otherwise I may get some hand signals thrown in my direction.

Not so excited :(

But a sincere welcome Henry Huggles Esq to our family ...what you don't all give your cars names ? :)

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