Make Every Day Memorable

By Jorgiesmum

The Big Sulk

Jorgie had her nose put out of place this morning because Stan was having all my attention.
Unbeknown to me, yesterday he had worried so much at his sock waistcoat that the threads were tightened around his bum. Consequently he had to have a new one made and immediately fitted so he didn’t worry at his virtually healed scar.
After I had removed the soiled one he had to have his nether regions bathed. This involved holding him in my hand on his back while using the spray tap over the kitchen sink.
Didn’t have a free hand to photograph this spectacle!
Now this area of Stan’s anatomy is not somewhere I study very closely so I was horrified to find two further lumps.
If you’re like me you’re immediately thinking ‘are male parrots supposed to have two lumps there’?
Photos eventually taken and emailed to the vet.
He thinks they are probably more fatty lumps but....
So many questions.
Have they been there a while?
Have they grown since his op 10 days ago?
If I put him through another op will they just grow back?

At the moment I’m not going to do anything other than keep an eye on him.
Poor boy, he’s been through so much recently and as always, just accepts everything I ask him to do.
Meanwhile Jorgie was in a Big Sulk

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