
By JennyOwen

Lovely Luca

Richard and I exchanged Valentine's Day treats this morning: some fabulous chocolate for me, and for him, a Pete McKee print of a dog eyeing up a pork pie.  Both of the lurchers we have had as companions have been cheeky thieves when any food was left out inadvertently, and Pete McKee's prints are a local institution. R does not like chocolate at all, and flowers give him hay fever, so Valentine's Day requires some lateral thinking.

I'd arranged to pop round and see Ruth, Josh, Luca and Eben for a quick outside chat later in the morning.  It was still freezing cold, so we were all well wrapped up.

Luca was ready for a nap, so Ruth and I took him up to the park in his pushchair.  He was sitting on top of a sheepskin fleece, with a hot water bottle under it - he looked really comfortable and soon dozed off.   We chatted about his language is coming on: Ruth, Josh and Eben have counted up the words he can say clearly or at least attempt well, and there are over 40 now.  Speech delay is a concern for some children with his metabolic condition, so we are all watchful. For now, there is nothing to worry about.

Someone has been doing some lovely snow sculptures in the park, see extras. They were already a little softened when we saw them this morning, but still captivating.

And now there is semi-freezing rain, and the prospect of milder temperatures soon. Fingers crossed.

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