country wide storm

The storm impacts nearly the entire United States. Millions of people lost power. Many of the states have no experience with or capacity to deal with storms like this. My area was fine today and isn't expecting more until Thursday. Many people had very bad days today. 

Today was also, for many, a federal holiday, so no news on my meetings. 

Viet Nam installed massive amounts of solar last year. I was in Viet Nam in late 2019 and learned that electrical demand was going to outstrip supply in two years. Bringing in new capacity powered by LNG would take, if everything went beautifully, four years. Viet Nam needed new capacity, quickly. Given the difficulty getting transmission approved and the timetable, only rooftop solar and energy efficiency would help. This is a second year of record breaking renewable energy investment for them. 

The person who worked for me and was fired has a new job and is very happy. 

For my final good news, Samuel did really well today. It is incredible that we can go from it seeming like he's had a stroke with neurological damage and is going to die to being so well within less than a week. 

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