
By Grammy

Good-bye for Now My Friends

After suffering the second blood vessel rupture within a week, this time in my right eye, my doctor has stopped physical therapy for now. These household items have become real friends aiding in my therapy. The terrible pain from shoulder tendonitis is gone. I have regained significant range of motion in my right arm and we were starting to increase my strength. It appears this could all be exertion and BP related. Tomorrow’s appointment at the eye specialist should provide some information. And I decided, at 69, it’s time to visit a cardiologist. The GP has doubled my BP meds dosage and I am keeping a daily log of the results.
So, a good part of today was spent making new or cancelling existing appointments. We ordered in a delicious delayed Valentine Day dinner. It was dreary outside anyway so it was a great day to stay inside. Thanks for your visits, stars and comments. Stay warm or cool folks, depending on your location. Our weather seems to be in extreme mode.

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