Night and Day

Night Garden

last night 
in the hall
a garden grew.
one shunning sun
with leaves and tendrils 
swaying, drawn to life
sprouting, stretching,
reveling, reaching
only drawn by
nightlight glow

I saw this last night stepping out into the upstairs hall from the bathroom before bed. I captured a few photos with my iPhone and posted one on instagram. You can see it in the extra, warmer with a longer night exposure. The garden was gone this morning. Had there been sun, the garden would have been slightly visible, reflected upon the stair wall facing the old mirror. It's made from old tin ceiling pieces, painted with many of the colors in our upstairs rooms. The collage was a way to show day and night and also to include a photo taken today. I would have preferred to show just the night shot with the poem, but I try to honor the old rules of blip.  

For the Record,
This day came in warm with mist and rain, just plain dark and nasty.
My chiropractor helped my neck yesterday, I'm still being very careful.

All hands wary

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