Room for One More?

I've Blipped Miss E's bed before. She does like her soft toys and dolls!! This little lot are her current favourites which have pride of place around her head. There is barely room for her head on her ladybird pillow pet!
The freaky doll in the midddle is Millie. She was foisted upon us kindly given to the Little Misses by my sister in law during a cull of my niece's toys. Apparently it looked alright until she took the scissors to it!
A busy day today: coffee morning at school, a lovely catch up with Mrs C and Mrs R, lots of tea and divine fishfinger sandwiches (why don't I eat them more often? So yummy!!), then to school to get Miss E for swimming (via Tesco's car park to rendez-vous with Mrs R who had left her sausages in Mrs C's fridge and driven to Banbury without them!) then going back for Miss L, back home to cook their dinner.
Now I'm cooking our dinner, getting my jim-jams on and vegging in front of the TV. Another rock and roll Friday night!!
Miss E saved a belter for the last drive home of the week:
Mummy, did God really make me?

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