My Beautiful Girl

I often moan - and feel genuine despair - about Miss E's behaviour so I just wanted to make sure I recorded for posterity that she has been a pleasure lately.
She still has her moments of four year old insanity but I think (dare I say it?!!) that something has clicked and I can see the person I think she'll be. And she's lovely!
Mr K was off in Oxford today at an Entrepreneurial conference networking thing so I had to forgo my Saturday lie-in and attend to the Little Misses.
I did manage to have a sneaky bath while they watched Octonauts a few times.
Then we went and met Mrs C and the boys at Whizzkidz in Thame, our favourite play centre. The little people had fun running around and playing and the grown ups had fun drinking tea and chatting.
Miss E made a friend - also Miss E - and it was so sweet watching them playing. I love watching her when she doesn't know I'm watching - lots of earnest chatting, running around shrieking, and just looking totally engrossed and happy.

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