Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack

Gift of Life

Today I celebrate my second kidneyversary.  Amazing to think two years has gone since that gift of life was given to me by my amazing friend Geoff.  It still feels a recent event to me, probably because COVID-19 has taken a year out of our lives.

I thank Geoff every day for his selfless act, he doesn't want plaudits for what he, that's just the man he is, a good man.

I learnt a lot in those years when my kidneys had failed, and I'm determined I never get back into that situation again.  So keep yourself hydrated, eat healthily, don’t smoke or drink too much alcohol, get regular exercise so you can control your weight and that it doesn’t affect your blood pressure.

And if you can think of organ donation, you will be making such a difference to many lives.

Busy day at work, but an award submission submitted.

Today I am thankful for:

1.  My friend Geoff and his gift of life, one of his kidneys
2.  All the amazing support that I and Geoff got on that day, it made such a difference to my mum and dad on the WhatsApp group I set up to monitor progress that day
3.  All the amazing surgeons and nurses involved on my journey

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