Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack

Thirdversary for 3K

Happy 3rd Kidneyversary to me!  3 Years ago I got the gift of life from my friend Geoff, who kindly gave me one of his kidneys so I could live.  It still feels raw to me and I still get emotional about the whole thing.

I remember the WhatsApp Group that I set up so all my friends could find out how I was and how that was such an emotional salvation for my mum and dad, to see all the messages of support.  I thank everyone who supported me, they saved me many times.

There were many dark times when I was on dialysis but here I am ready to fight another day because of that support.

Today I am thankful for:

1.  My friend Geoff for donating one of his kidneys to me
2.  All the nurses and surgeons involved through my kidney failure and transplant
3.  A celebratory fish and chips tea

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