Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Sadie meets the swan ...

This is the towpath where the Killy swans live ... I have mentioned them before ... They tried to eat Lucy in her pushchair .. Even as I was rolling over them with the three wheeler one of his mates ate her shoe !! And they chased me !!! Horrid hissing birds.

Fitness March began with just me and Sadie.. The other pair of fat jammers ( tits and wiggy) were busy ... So Sadie and I did a great walk from my house ,down bishopton lane,over the bridge of death and along the towpath toward the Birmingham road ... Then we encounter the Killy swans ... Then you go under the Birmingham road along a narrow path almost falling into the murky murdery waters of diphtheria and cholera ... Up onto the Clopton road navigating a used condom and some empty cider cans and a sock ... Up to school .... All in the name of exercise ....

Random little snippet for you ,a drunk on a train in London once told me he hoped I got bitten to death ... I thought about him today and it made me inhale a small shard of white chocolate ... I was shaving the chocolate bar as I made white chocolate chunk muffins ... That's it for today x

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