ThankYou Dearest Love for this Wonderfull Surprise

From the Polar Vortex into the Sahara Stream. That is what they say. But early in the morning it still felt very cold. I was up at sunrise. Just in time to see the first rays warming up the still sleepy facades of the towncentre. I was curious what the day would bring. And somehow it turned out as a strange experience.
What I had planned did not happen and the unexpected took its course. The midday walking tour over the sunny Cowhill plains turned out not to be feasible. Too much time had to be spend on cleaning and brooming around the house. As all the snow was melted, much dirt was left behind.
Now sitting down on the balcony I could read, but not too long. It became too hot and the fierce sunlight was almost blinding. Never mind, there still was a large and heavy sack witn green leftovers for the compost. For weeks I had not climbed up beyond the Hut.  And what happened on my way up? I discovered Your Darling Snow-drops. Not one but a whole lot of them. Just surprising Us where You had hidden them last year. And the years before.
And there are Your Winter Aconites. The golden stars You had  been given by Our Dear Friend Gerlinde. You wanted them so much! And after the snow is gone, Here We are , You loved it so with all Your Heart. Can you imagine that this spontaneous joyful discovery caught me in pain and sorrow…How can We share our Springtime Joy, my DearestLove?
Should I learn to purify my Heart and detach me from these stinging emotions? Thankyou My Dearest Love for having done all this Gardenwork, hiding Our Ever New Springtime Surprises. Its So Wonderfull.

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