Just wondering - because in the last few days I have finished off another jumper for a little boy’s second birthday and knitted three more pairs of fingerless gloves, bringing my overall total since February 2019 to 70.  That doesn't include the hats and a dickie I have knitted and sent to lots of different places too - but now you can see why I need so much wool!

I am about to package all these items up and send them off and then will continue with the pair that I have just started - perhaps I should even make a pair for myself but these are earmarked to be sent “Across the Pond”!  

As many of you will know, the fingerless gloves I have knitted have already gone all over the place - England, Scotland, Ireland, Guernsey, America and Sweden and I have also made quite a few for the Wiltshire Air Ambulance crews in their colours of green and yellow.  It is a very easy pattern, which I have adapted a little and I do enjoy knitting these gloves.  

I knitted a pair for my Mum when she was so ill, because she kept saying that her hands were cold and whenever we went over, she was wearing them, and she always mentioned them when I popped in and told me that they did keep her warm, bless her.

I did sell a few pairs when I used to go over to the Radio Station, but most of the time they have been sent as gifts to various Blip friends and other friends, particularly photographers, because they are very useful when you need your fingers to be free to press the shutter, so may be I do need to make a pair for me.

It’s another damp and dreary day, so not sure if I will go out, but will keep exercising my fingers by knitting.  In fact, I have just spent a very pleasant morning listening to music and knitting - now if that doesn't beat doing housework, I don't know what does!  Hope you all have a good week.

I was looking for a knitting quote and found this one, which made both Mr. HCB and me smile! 

“You know you knit too much when ... 
     You take knitting to a wedding, 
          in case there's a little time before 
               the bride comes down the aisle. 
Double points if you are the bride.”
Stephanie Pearl-McPhee

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