blowin' in the wind

It's been another wet and blowy day today but out on my walk, I could see signs of Spring, like these hazel catkins blowing in the wind. I no longer mind walking in the rain, although sunny days are even better. The hardest thing is just to get the waterproofs on and go out of the front door (This is known as "the doorstep mile" which is the most difficult part of any adventure). Once you're out there, it's simple :-)

Activities for the rest of the day could be filed under "communication". I wrote a letter to an old friend (I am trying to write more letters), had a lovely hour long phone call from Joe, looked at a pile of old letters from my parents (my Mum is an inspirational letter writer) and attended a Zoom meeting.

The Zoom meeting (see extra) was an event for Fairtrade Fortnight, organised by the Dunscore Fairtrade Village. We listened to Petrus and Elizabeth from Bosman Family Vineyards in South Africa, talking about the difference that Fairtrade has made to their business and community. We would usually be holding events with Fairtrade and local producers visiting our village, but here we were able to invite them into our own homes.

Today's walk - Stepford Round. Wet and windy. 3.6 miles.

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