
Afternoon sun on the shelves Mike built. We haven't actually got round to organising them properly, but I quite like the way our things have organically found a place. The fleece was my Mum's, and has been claimed at times by various members of the family - but they can't steal it off me at the moment! (Wish they could, mind you...)

Another awful night, and I've no idea why, but quite pleased with how much I got done, considering - washing and mending and changing the bedding, cooking, sweeping, phoning and feeding the birds - the quotidian tasks that make up most of our lives, and which can be either mundane or glorious, depending on my attitude...

- so much beauty that choosing a Blip is excruciatingly difficult - don't like leaving some out!
- having a nap in the sun, which was surprisingly noisy: donkeys braying, doves cooing, sheep bleating, dogs barking, church bells marking the time...
- finding a few bulbs that the slugs didn't get, two with flowers

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