Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck


We first met a few years ago when I was riding a quad bike with my dog Flossie galloping alongside through the valley woodland known as Parc Shady. He recognised how important the wheels were in keeping me in contact with people, nature and the village.

Bert is a retired doctor, he moved here from Cheshire with his wife, to be closer to a daughter who also lives in our village. He has a great dry sense of humour, retains a wealth of knowledge and experience and keeps driving himself to remain fit, in this instance by walking up a hill twice a day. . 

There are many people such as Bert in our country, I count myself fortunate to be able to meet people like him on a regular basis; they keep my faith in the human condition alive. 

Whilst chatting a lady went past on her mobility scooter, we compared the scooter I was using with hers. I then asked if, when riding downhill, she experienced the same problem I have as the scooter accelerated. 
"What is that?" she enquired.
"Nosebleeds, caused by the speed." Much chortling. 

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