Today's 'View From The Office"

SWMBO and I went to Bathgate this morning for our injections (10.20 and 10.30).
It was at one of the 'Mass Inoculation Centres'.
We walked straight in together and it was almost like a feeding frenzy from the receptionists doing the check-in and the staff doing the injections .......... They were bored and desperate to deal with somebody to beat the boredom.
I couldn't believe how quiet it was. It certainly shouldn't be that quiet.
While sitting waiting the required 15 minutes before being allowed to drive I was beginning to wonder if somebody had put out some of the signs from the extras box outside the entrance.
There were dozens of booths for people to sit and wait and there were 5 of us and considering there is no pedestrian access to the place ..........

I read yesterday that it was the same in the EISS yesterday.
Something is not right with the system.

EDIT .............. SWMBO and I have taken the advice I was given by the very nice lady who gave me my injection.
"Take 2 Paracetamol as soon as you get home and another 2 before bed - don't wait for any headache (the most common side effect)"
It seems to have worked.

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