POG's Journal


Amazon has been…

Hi Everyone,

I had a nice chat with my daughter last night… it was nice and warm out there and she seemed okay. Her mother’s operation is scheduled for two weeks today so they are going to try and relax at home until then.

I arrived at the workshop today around 07:45 and stayed until about 15:00 which is a record for me… I finished off most of the preparation I was doing to add some raiser blocks to the lathe and then turned my attention to the Hexacut power saw I purchased many months ago, I added some oil to the dampener and had a general look around it, there were a couple of places that needed oiling which I did and then had a go with it… I am pleased to report all worked well.

The guys arrived back at the workshop around 13:00 and we had a chat and my make who races on his bike wanted me to do something on the lathe for him, the part is too small to hold with what I have available so when I got home, I ordered a couple of bits of metal so I can make something to hold it… they should be with me next week.


What you see it what it is… not much else to say…

Stay happy, strong, and healthy… more tomorrow.


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