Sheep and shadows

It was a wonderful sunny day for a walk. Shona and I met at 10 and chatted for the almost 6 miles of our walk up the moor, down a steep narrow path overgrown with long heather which made it difficult to see where to put my feet. We got down and came out at Glittering Stone wind turbine and headed over to Physic Lonnen then up to the top carriage drive and down through the woods to her garden from where I walked home along the road.

Mr C has been lifting flagstones in order to level the ground under them.

I’ve booked a slot for Wallington NT property for next week. It is 12 miles from us - we don’t know if that’s close enough to be in the rules - all they say is stay local. So how close is that? 5 miles was stipulated in Scotland but no distance mentioned here. Wallington is in the countryside yet the slots are booked up quickly.

My latest rant is that 49 English GP surgeries have been sold off by Clinical Commissioning groups to a US company. Our taxes to fund the NHS now go to fund it - and to provide profits for shareholders in Centene.

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