Can We Turn The Clock Back Please?

The croaking from the pond  has resulted in frog spawn again this year (the only picture I have taken).

I got a letter from the Pensions office this morning which started the days downward spiral.
The latter said that as part of their regular check-ups I had to complete the attached form about any disability payments I was getting or had received from the DWP and any changes and then return it to them either by post or as a PDF.
Well, I have been retired for 17 years and I have never had one of these forms before and the pensions office know all about the disability allowances I was in receipt of until the rules changed several years ago and they stopped - at which point the pensions office upped my pension to the same level.
So - two government departments will not speak to other and they have the cheek to expect me to pay for the postage.

So I went to send the form as a PDF (along with a complaint) ..... and the damned scanner is refusing to convert the document into a PDF.
Trying to download drivers from the manufacturers site, it told me they were already installed.
Furious didn't begin to describe how I felt.

Then SWMBO made some damned stupid comment about "Just send it back without a stamp - or just......"
I am afraid I did something I very, very rarely do and lost my rag at her.
Sorry dear!

When I went out to the garage to do a bit of turning - nothing went right.
It didn't help my mood.

To top it off - the sole of one of my slippers had started to separate from the body and the re-gluing process ended up with it sticking to the piece of wood I used to apply pressure.

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