
Last night I had the most awful pains in my stomach and felt sick so was awake for 4 hours spent mainly either lying with a bottle at the stomach or watching Firefly Lane while drinking peppermint tea!! Eventually fell asleep around 5.

Was washed out most of Sunday so an easy day of knitting, reading, drinking and the most exertion was putting on a washing. Thought I deserved some comfort food for tea so chips it was (my favourite food).

We we sitting quietly in the sofa with Breagha in her spot in the Golden Fleece between us, we were watching Chris Packham and intelligent animals when all of a sudden this almost 13 year old leaps off like a youngster and barks furiously at the tv, not liking prairie dogs at all LOL!!

She has always barked at animals arriving in her living room but it was the speed that made us laugh.

Early night.

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