Tuesday's painting...

...Mrs Blackbird, yesterday, was cross with me for escaping my cage.
She glared at me.
She had just been mithering the smaller tiny birds and had swooped on the Jenny Wren who came visiting me. So, I went out. I had found some mealy worms and had put them in my hand. The Robin came up to me, flew around me but declined to land on my hand. I wasn't expecting her to, I was looking for somewhere to place them.
But Mrs Blackbird was interested in what was in my hand. She came close to me, on a branch. So step by step I approached her with my hand extended. She never looked at my hand, but kept eyeball contact. I got to one hands width of her. We stared at each other. Then she turned her back to me, gave a disdainful flick of her tail, and flew further out of reach. So, I placed the mealworms on the old garden chair. Mrs Blackbird promptly flew over, scattered them all off to the ground, and went back to gathering her nest materials...

On my cherry trees now, I have 13 ravens gathering. I have never seen that many before in one go. Then they flew down below the trees to behind the fence, out of my sight.

A parliament of ravens?

Then about 20 minutes or so later one raven flew to the top of the tallest cherry tree, and made a long announcement...then all the other ravens from down below flew away...

My digital painting for today.
And a tanka with it.

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