A very foggy start to the day, which is only just now at 2.00 pm beginning to clear.

The workmen were here again at 9.00 am this morning and have been working so hard.

I decided to get my leg stretch in early and take some foggy pictures.  I was hoping it was going to clear up early and that I would get some misty clearing shots but sadly that didn't happen.  So I just parked at Grange railway station and walked up the top end of the Promenade.  It is still beautiful despite the fog, you can just can't see across The Bay.  I went up over the railway station and back down the main road.  I took this photo from the road side of the lovely Netherwood Hotel.  I've always loved the wood panelling and the olde world charm of this hotel even though it is only Victorian and not any older.

I've had contact with someone else who is researching their family tree and we have agreed to share  our trees because it would appear that we could be distantly related.  Grandfathers have the same surname and lived within a few miles of each, mind you it's not an uncommon name - Parnell.  Apparently her Mother got very excited as my Grandfather is the spitting image of her Father and she thought it was him to start with, but it definitely is not, but it adds more credence to the possibility of us being distantly related.  Interesting stuff huh!!!

Interesting to see Dolly Parton on the news this morning adapting her song Jolene to "Vaccine".  I do have a lot of respect for that lady.

Do take care and continue to stay safe.  Thank you for dropping by and all your lovely comments, stars and heats etc.

This is my entry for Wide Wednesday, which the theme is patterns / repetition.  There is quite a lot of patterns and some repetition in this so hope it qualifies.  At least it is a wide shot.  Many thanks to Bobsblips for hosting.

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