On a road to nowhere

Well, an interesting sort of day. The work has begun on the house - one wall needs completely re-rendering and a chap arrived to do just that. Equipped with a massive drill, the rendering flew off and now the first layer of whateveryoucallit has gone back up. A large crack has been revealed but we are remaining unfazed as it's an old one. 

I also had to nip into Bantry to get some cash for said job. Nobody around but a huge amount of work being done on the roads and a lot of house and hotel painting.  I also stocked up on compost and bought the last of the tomato seeds available.

Back home, a bit of Gobnait work and then I did the circuit minor. As I was coming down the small road towards the sea I stopped in my tracks - was that a dog or a cat approaching. Neither - it was an otter. He also stopped in his tracks and we surveyed each other, then he nipped off into the fields. What a treat to see him.

And the blip - hope it fits in with today's Wide Wednesday Challenge of repeat patterns Blame, Finola, you're going to see a lot of gates- they are everywhere once you look, and each unique. I've blipped these before and will do so again. Once a proud entrance to a big house somewhere up on the hill. The house has disappeared but the gates just about remain - not sure what they're keeping out though.

Interesting comments re unicorn's rainbow poo - astonishing that many of you knew all about it and TMLHerandThere even suppled a video!

 Yikes! We were on our way this time last year - sigh.

road to nowhere

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