Weather of two halves!

Listened to the choir’s Zoom session whilst doing other things this morning. The good news was that if all goes well we will return to outside singing from 12 April onwards.  Set off for a walk as the forecast said 83% chance of rain from 2pm.  Of course I am the Rainmaker, and I had only gone about 200 yards when the rain started - early!  Kept going as I would be under the trees in St Ives.  Got a coffee, then saw friends H & H setting off for a meander around the pond.  I left them and decided to walk up around the top of the estate.  Looking across over the turf experimental areas it was hard to see over to Baildon in the distance, but I was surprised to be able to see the marquee where we sing at Cottingley, and you could see the rain coming in.  It was quite heavy for a few minutes and then it hailed, but by the time I started crossing the field there was blue sky appearing!  A few more heavy showers as I walked round, and views from the top of the golf course were shrouded in mist.  As I walked past the pond I looked into the bird hide and H & H were in there so stopped for a quick chat.  Fed the ducks and swans before walking home.  Nice walk, but chilly - even the ducks were keeping their feet out of the water!  (extra)

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