A time for everything

By turnx3

Spring is coming!

I had been thinking of posting something in recognition of World Book Day, but we had such a great walk at Rowe Woods this afternoon, I had to share some of what we saw. This week’s sunshine has certainly brought the early Spring flowers up - snowdrops and winter aconites were out in abundance, some hellebores were out, but not yet at their peak. The paths have dried out a bit over the last few days as well, though they were still muddy in places. The streams have subsided, so were quite easy to cross over stepping stones. At one point I could hear some rustling in the bushes just off the path, so I stood still and watched for a bit, and the beautiful Eastern towhee (bottom left) flew up from the bushes to some low branches and stayed long enough for me to get a few photos. Towards the end of our walk as we were passing Matt’s Pond on our way to the car park we saw and heard numerous red-winged blackbirds, singing away and puffing their chests out.
Step count: 10,664

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