By lizzie_birkett

Spring in my Step...

...I wish! But I did do some more one legged weeding and breaking off dead stalks and pulling up dead plants. It's only a strip of garden in the wall alongside the boat but it all looks a lot better now. The flowering currant I bought last year is in bud and bulbs are up all around. I think the rabbits have been at some of them!

We waited most of the day for the bit of sunshine we've had. It was cold and grey until 3ish but then the rays started streaming through and it turned out beautiful.

A boat went past earlier - not a common sight these Covid days. Some Blippers will recognise Johnno from Bingley. It was nice to wave at each other and talk about the weather.

Sabrina made me laugh today. She sent me a photo of her Click and Collect. She forgot to click 'save' when she added the rest of the shopping to her order. So when she got there she was surprised when the lad brought her order out in one basket.
Tomatoes, cucumber, flour crisps and gin!
She spent £30 and 20 of that was for the gin! :-D)). (See extra)

Otherwise it has been a day of reading The weekend Guardian, drinking coffee chilling. 
Frank would disagree as he always has jobs to do. 
Now the sun is setting over the canal and farm buildings - beautiful.
I'm so grateful for this life.

Hope you've all had a good day
Thanks for comments, stars and hearts.

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