Gitama's World

By Gitama

They Escaped

I was saving these baby chickens for an Easter pic but they escaped and needed to be blipped today ;-))))))

My mojo has been on holiday lately  so Ive not been feeling my usual creative spark it's all a bit like the proverbial pushing uphill lark........with a pointy stick.

Anyhoo........the girl and I have been very diligent in cutting out sugar and a whole heap of carbs from our's been a slowish process but we finally seem to be getting on top of it. Hmmm..... that gets me thinking perhaps my mojo is upset with the lack of mars bars in our diet now...could be....I know she really liked them.

It's been a bit busy on the home front and yes.....(faint)..... social front of late...things just haven't seemed to settled down much since the Christmas holidays...I am hoping March will bring a lot more quietness.....gosh! can you believe that it is March ALREADY.
I love this word.

When you're not hungry, but you eat
because your mouth is lonely.

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