Cormorant #32

Lockdown 3.0 Day #63 

Been totally lacking in motivation this past week and with the laptop playing up I wasn't in the mood for blip, so just swerved it for a week, but continued taking a few photos when we went out. I have put up most of my blips from last week and will go back and edit them with some more details of the day shortly. 

Today we have been to Spike island again this afternoon and had a lovely walk along the canal seeing quite a few different species. My favourite today was this cormorant who we followed all the way along the canal, watching it dive constantly and stay almost 30 yards ahead of us no matter how quickly we walked!

On the way back to the car we noticed a small mammal - probably a vole of some sort. We stood watching it for a few seconds and I was just preparing to take a few shots of it when a kestrel swooped in and flew off with it, hotly pursued by a couple of crows. It all happened so quickly and I was so surprised that I completely failed to capture any of the action. I'll never make a wildlife photographer, will I!? :)

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