The End of the Day

Lockdown 3 - Day 63

I had to be at the Doctor's surgery for 8.25am for my blood tests and I was in and out within no time at all - I have to say I like the new way of only going to the surgery if it's essential, there's no packed waiting room full of people coughing and sneezing and everything really is very efficient.  I even got to work on time!

Work was as busy as usual, I had my lunch time walk round the park which was quieter now the schools are back, and I finished more or less on time.   One advantage of the lighter nights means I get to catch the sunset on my way home - I could see it in my rear view mirror, so pulled up when I got to Rottingdean and walked up to the windmill.

Not long after I got home, I got a phone call from the Doctor's surgery - it was Lisa, the Nurse Practitioner that I saw on Friday.  She said that she's spent some time discussing my case with the doctor today and has had chance to read my notes.  She said they discussed the fact that I've seen consultants previously due to my achilles problem and said that the doctor feels my issue is likely to be more due to the achilles than arthritis.  Therefore, they've decided to arrange for me to have an ultrasound rather than an x-ray and then depending on the results of that they will refer me to neurology.   I'm really impressed that she's taken the time to do all this, and just hope I get it all through before we move!  I told her that I'd been for my blood test this morning and she said that the results were back already!  She had a look and said that the results are all normal, and in fact she said that it's an excellent set of bloods, she's checked for everything possible to make sure there was nothing nasty going on.  So that's great news!

The other good news is that I managed to get Alan's Covid vaccination booked this morning, he has his first one next Friday and the second one is on 10th June.  The only thing is that we will hopefully have moved by than, so we can try and change it, but at the worst we can always come back down for him to have it and we'll just stay overnight.

Stage 1 of the road out of lockdown started today with schools re-opening  and we're now allowed to meet one other person socially, not just for exercise.  Stage 2 is scheduled for 29th March subject to the numbers continuing to fall.

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